Installation instructions for Pee. INSTALLATION If you've unpacked the distribution, skip to step 4. 1. Download the tarball pee-x.xx.tar.gz 2. unpack using gunzip pee-x.xx.tar.gz - | tar -xvf - 3. change directory to pee-x.xx/ 4. perl Makefile.PL 5. make 7. make install (you need root permissions) 8. read the following section "POST-INSTALLATION" POST-INSTALLATION Pee can be used in 2 different ways: 1. Offline generation 2. Apache Action directive 1. Offline generation Compile the templates into perl code, which is legitimate perl scripts. It can be run just like any other CGI scripts. Adv: fast (no page-compilation at runtime) Disadv: manual compilation # Go to the 'examples' directory > cd examples # compile the '', output will be called ''. > ./ # copy the resulting script (along with the required # to your cgi-bin directory > cp # Make the script executable > chmod 755 / # view it in your browser 2. Apache Action directive Using the Apache "Action" directive, you can configure apache to call the pee engine whenever it encounters a file that ends with ".pet". Adv: No need to manually re-compile when template is changed. Disadv: Slightly slower than offline generation. a. Make sure that you have the following lines in your httpd.conf Depending on your installation / platform, the path name may differ LoadModule action_module modules/ AddModule mod_actions.c b. Edit the httpd.conf Add the following line to your config file (You can put it in the global section, or simply append it at the end of the file). Assuming that you wish to use the standard cgi-bin/ directory: AddHandler pet-file pet Action pet-file /cgi-bin/ What this essentially does is whenever someone accesses a ".pet" file, the script "/cgi-bin/" is called instead. But the user never sees this, because it is an apache internal request. c. Copy "examples/" and "examples/" to your cgi-bin directory, and make sure that it's executable. Assuming that the filesystem equivalent of the url "/cgi-bin/" is "/usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/": cp examples/ /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin cp examples/ /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin chmod 755 /usr/local/apache/cgi-bin/ d. copy "examples/" to a directory that you wish serve the PET templates. Assuming that you are using "/www/abc": cp examples/ /www/abc e. restart apache f. point your browser to the URL of ""