1. What is a PET file?

PET stands for Perl Embedded Templates.  It is basically a file with
a '.pet' extension.  It follows the PEE syntax (see the docs/SYNTAX file).

2. What is an 'engine'?

An engine is something that performs a repetitive task, and does it 
effectively.  In PEE, an 'engine' is usually one that compiles and
run PET files.

3. How do I access the GET or POST data from PET?

You may use the CGI.pm module, or any other modules.

4. Can PEE be used with mod_perl?

Yes.  There is an experimental engine to be used with mod_perl.
Read INSTALL.modperl for installation instructions.

5. You said that a perl expression may go between '<?=' and '?>',
   but what is a perl expression?

A perl expression is perl code that evaluates to a result.  It does NOT
end with a semicolon (;).  Examples of expressions include '$var1', '1+3',
'$a + $b', or '&askname()'.

6. Can I have '?>' in any PEE blocks?

If you have something like this:
$var = '?>';

PEE will parse the content wrongly, ending the code block prematurely
and leaving the rest as text blocks.
There is no special escape mechanism like using '\?\>' because it
would introduce extra parsing overhead.  That is why something as
absurd as '?>' is chosen.
There are various workarounds to achieve that:
1. $var = '?'.'>';  # concatenate the two chars together
2. $var = '

7. Does the 'include' directive support multiple level of includes?

Yes, it does.  This is definitely supported:
File A includes file B, which in turn includes file C, and so on.
However, you have to make sure that there is no cyclical includes like this:
File A includes file B, which in turn includes file A again.
You'll have to kill the engine.pl process to stop it.

8. I get a "malformed header from script" message in my apache error log

This is usually accompanied by the error described in Q1.
It happens when your script has not returned a valid header.
Specifically, the only required header is the 'Content-type'.
Apache will try to determine the Content-type by looking at the
first few lines of your output, if it has '<html>' in it, it will send
the 'Content-type' header as 'text/html'.

Pee will not automatically print the HTTP headers for you.  This
is to maintain compatibility with existing scripts that are still 
using it.

9. I get "Internal Server Error" on the browser.

See Q7.

10. The browser of web server log has some undecipherable error message,
    how can I debug it?

Pee can write a copy of the compiled code to a scratch directory.  To
enable this, you can edit engine.pl and change the call to
"new PEE::FileRunner" and include a second parameter like this:

my $runner = Pee::FileRunner->new( "$template",
					{debug=>1, scratchdir=>'/tmp/pee'});

Make sure that '/tmp/pee' exists and writeable by the web server user
(usually 'nobody').  Pee will convert '/'s in the template file name to
'_'s ('/www/site/index.pet' becomes '_www_site_index.pet').
This is the best way to debug your PEE templates.

11. What are the Pee::* modules?  Do I use them?

Generally, you should not need to use them.  They are used by the engine
to compile and run PET files.

12. Do I need mod_rewrite in order to run PEE?

Not anymore.  As of version 1.03 it is recommended to use the Apache 'Action'
directive to achieve the same thing.  Read the INSTALL (or INSTALL.*) file
for configuration examples.